Become a Member
Members make a difference. The Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands is a member-supported organization. Membership benefits for the Society are varied and help the Museum continue to fulfill its mission of education, historic preservation and community outreach. View our membership levels below.
Your membership supports:
The maintaining Newburgh’s architectural gem, the 1830 Captain David Crawford House. The Crawford House and the Historical Society bring hundreds of people each year into Newburgh, making it a catalyst for strengthening our community.
Furthering our mission to preserve, protect and promote Newburgh’s rich heritage by offering programs, tours and events to educate and engage neighbors and visitors alike.
Protecting and maintaining a substantial research library and archive of historical Newburgh photographs and documents that are stored at the Crawford House.
Membership Benefits
Free admission to our Monthly Speaker’s Series
Free admission to the Crawford House
A sense of pride that you are supporting your community.
Membership Levels
$15 Student
$30 Individual
$100 Business