Helen Gearn Memorial Library
Located on the second floor of the Crawford House, the library's collection has been growing since the founding of the Society in 1884. Named for the former Newburgh City Historian and Historical Society archivist Helen VerNooy Gearn, our library serves as an important repository preserving Newburgh's past, and complements local history materials kept at the Newburgh Free Library and the Newburgh Heritage Center. The Helen Gearn Library maintains an extensive archive of materials including books, documents, photos and maps with a focus on local citizens, businesses and architecture. These materials are available to researchers in local history by appointment.
As a result of ongoing efforts, the majority of the library’s holdings are now searchable in an online catalog. This catalog will direct you to items held in our archive, but at present, our collections of photographs, documents and other ephemera have not been scanned for online viewing. Go to the Library Catalog.
Also, take a look at our quick guide to research materials to help you begin investigating the history of your Newburgh building or your Newburgh ancestors.
For winter and spring 2025, the library will be staffed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 3-6 pm. An appointment is required to consult library resources.
Jeffrey Doolittle, HSNBH Research Manager
Archives Office: (845)561-3790
Email: archivesHSNBH@gmail.com
Research Request Form
We are happy to help you with your search for information on Newburgh. All research questions or appointment requests must be submitted in writing. Questions may be emailed or submitted with the form below.